You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween

Recording Artist | Muse, Los Angeles |
Recording Artist | Muse, Los Angeles |
Animation Company | Frame48, Culver City |
Director | Tom Teller / Frame48 |
CG Supervisor | Enrique De La Garza / Frame48 |
Executive Producer | Julian Conner / Frame48 |
Executive Producer | Seth Josephson / Frame48 |
CG Artist | Stephanie Buschhorn / Frame48 |
Creative Director | Jesse Lee Stout |
CG Artist | Steven Lee / Frame48 |
CG Artist | Cristina Kuong |
Assistant Editor | Michele Nagy / Frame48 |
FX Artist | Alvaro Moreira |
Animator | Paolo Cogliati |
Animator | Matheus Caetano |
Animator | Talles Fernando |
Asset Artist | Juan Fer Bravo |
Modeler | Mariano Ruiz |
Compositor | Sai Prudhvi |
Compositor | Mahesh Kanneboina |
Storyboard Artist | David Green |
Colorist | Bryan Smaller |
Sound Designer | Gerry Vazquez |
Performance Capture Athlete | Chase Cargill |
Performance Footage | Ben Lowe |
Performance Footage | Jack Lowe |
This 2024 Clio Music Silver winning entry titled 'You Make Me Feel Like It's Halloween' was entered for Muse by Frame48, Culver City. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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