Cerveza Aguila / AB InBev

Advertising Agency | Mullenlowe SSP3, Bogotá |
Advertiser / Brand | AB InBev, Bogotá |
Public Relations Agency | Dattis, Bogotá |
Media Agency | Zenith, Bogotá |
President | Francisco Samper / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Executive Creative Director | Jorge Eliecer Pinto / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Chief Executive Officer | Jose Hoyos / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Account Executive | Mateo Londoño / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Copywriter | Sebastián Téllez Cárdenas / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Art Director | Juanita Cuellar Vergara / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Art Director | Mario Mendoza / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Digital Director | Jennifer Boshell / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Planner | Edwin Rubiano / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Planner Director | Manuela Roa / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Marketing Director | Diego Pomareda / Cerveza Aguila |
Brand Manager | Natalia Aguirre / Cerveza Aguila |
Sponsorships Manager | Alejandro Cardona / Cerveza Aguila |
Project Manager Sponsorships | Juan Matiz / Cerveza Aguila |
Digital Products | Juan David Carvajal / Cerveza Aguila |
Producer | Tiffany Bernal / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Animator | Nicolás Ocampo / Mullenlowe SSP3 |
Intern | Nicolás Solano / Cerveza Aguila |
This 2023 Clio Sports Silver winning entry titled 'TransfHERmarket' was entered for Cerveza Aguila / AB InBev by Mullenlowe SSP3, Bogotá. The piece was submitted to the medium: Digital within the entry type: Product/Service and the category: Websites. It consists of 1 video and 1 image.
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