Atura o Baile (Put Up with the Dance)

Advertising Agency | Africa Creative, São Paulo |
Advertising Agency | Gana Agency, São Paulo |
Post Production Company | Massai, São Paulo |
Ambev Production | DraftLine Integrada, São Paulo |
Production Company | Kondzilla, São Paulo |
Sound Production Company | CANJA, São Paulo |
Chief Creative Officer | Sergio Gordilho / Africa Creative |
Executive Creative Director | Angerson Vieira / Africa Creative |
Executive Creative Director | Bruno Valença / Africa Creative |
Executive Creative Director | Raphael Quatrocci / Africa Creative |
Creative Director | Yllo Pedra / Africa Creative |
Creative Director | Hélio Maffia / Africa Creative |
Senior Copywriter | Adriano Sato / Africa Creative |
VP of Client Service | Heloisa Pupim / Africa Creative |
Client Services | Ana Carolina Andrade / Africa Creative |
Client Services | Jéssica Bodelace / Africa Creative |
Client Services | Yasmin Ferreira / Africa Creative |
Media | Aga Porada / Africa Creative |
Media | Thiago Martinez / Africa Creative |
Media | Victor Berto / Africa Creative |
Media | Caroline Richa / Africa Creative |
Media | Amanda Santana / Africa Creative |
Media | Pablo Meira / Africa Creative |
Media | Wenderson Gontijo / Africa Creative |
CSO | Aldo Pini / Africa Creative |
Strategy | Wes Gagliano / Africa Creative |
VP of Special Projects and Creative Content | Juliana Leite / Africa Creative |
Director of Special Projects | Lica de Souza / Africa Creative |
Project Manager | Theo Etlin / Africa Creative |
Creative Producers | Thays Miranda / Africa Creative |
Creative Producers | Lais Cattena / Africa Creative |
Creative Producers | Giovanna Lima / Africa Creative |
Awards Director | Isabela Levy / Africa Creative |
Awards Assistant | Valentina De LucaAwards / Africa Creative |
Head of Production | Rodrigo Ferrari / Africa Creative |
Agency Producers | Tais Olhiara / Africa Creative |
Agency Producers | Gabriela Ferrer / Africa Creative |
Executive Producer | Ale Sarilho / Massai |
Executive Producer | Paulo Geraissate / Massai |
Post-production coordinator | Patrícia Bornato / Massai |
Post-production coordinator | Yago Rodrigues / Massai |
Editor | Fernando Ávila / Massai |
Finisher | Vinícius de Araujo / Massai |
VFX | Pedro Lima / Massai |
VFX | Guilherme Antunes Tatiyama / Massai |
Chief Creative Officer | Ary Nogueira / Gana Agency |
Chief Creative Officer | Felipe Silva / Gana Agency |
Associate Creative Director | Gui Cruz / Gana Agency |
Creative team | Leonardo Rocha / Gana Agency |
Creative Team | Thamara Pinheiro / Gana Agency |
Client Services | Gilmara Bartilotti / Gana Agency |
Strategy | Mycra Alves / Gana Agency |
Strategy | Bruna Coelho / Gana Agency |
Content | Sibely Nunes / Gana Agency |
Content | Julia Melo / Gana Agency |
Content Creative Team | Leticia Nunes / Gana Agency |
Content Creative Team | Gabriella Forabelli / Gana Agency |
Head of Production | Julia Kannebley / DraftLine Integrada |
Executive of Integrated Production | Caio Baldini / DraftLine Integrada |
Executive Producer | Karin Stuckenschmidt / DraftLine Integrada |
Executive Producer | Carlos Grübber / DraftLine Integrada |
Producer | Gabi Froemming / DraftLine Integrada |
Producer | Valdir Santos / DraftLine Integrada |
Director | Kaique Alves / Kondzilla |
AD | Luisa Correa Peliello / Kondzilla |
2AD | Maria Eduarda Vieia Felsmann / Kondzilla |
Founder | Konrad Dantas / Kondzilla |
Executive Producer | Eduardo Saraiva / Kondzilla |
Commercial Director | Roberto Severo / Kondzilla |
Account Executive | Gabriel Barros / Kondzilla |
Project Manager | Betânia Menardi / Kondzilla |
Social Media - Kondzilla Business | Alex Ribeiro / Kondzilla |
Social Media - Kondzilla | Anna Alves / Kondzilla |
Journalist | Lucas Morata / Kondzilla |
Production Director | Diogo Pinaffi / Kondzilla |
Producer | Natalia Damasceno / Kondzilla |
Production Assistant | Juliana Alves / Kondzilla |
Artistic Producer | Ana Gabriela Lima de Almeida / Kondzilla |
Set assistant | Robson Martins Barbosa / Kondzilla |
Set assistant | José Aldevam Andrade Ferreira / Kondzilla |
Set assistant | Gabrielle Dos Santos Rodrigues / Kondzilla |
Location Producer | Eduardo Bitar / Kondzilla |
Editing | Kaique Alves / Kondzilla |
Color Grading | Marla Colour Grading |
Motion | Felipe Ferreira |
Finisher | Matheus Becker |
Postproduction coordinator | Thais Alves |
Photographer | Gabriel Bianchini |
Stedicam Operator | Gustavo Morozini |
1st Assistant Camera | Jorge Dayeh |
2nd Assistant Camera | Lais Teixeira |
Logger | Ricardo Carpin |
Video Assistant | Camila França Nogueira de Medeiros e Silva |
Sound Director | Bruno Gomes Augustin |
Drone Light | Alberto Kalin Youssef Matulaitis |
Making Of | Jackson Kleber Franco |
Art Director | Diego Castilho |
Art Producer | Luciana Trovato |
Art Set Assistant | Markus Brandt Walckiers |
Art Set Assistant | Allan Rodrigues De Jesus Firmino |
Art Set Assistant | Mauricio Pereira Vidinha |
Art Set Assistant | Mauricio Mauro |
Art Set Assistant | Renato Fernandes Marques de Oliveira |
Object Assistant | Gustavo Ribeiro Miranda |
Stage Manager | Ricardo do Carmo Queiroz - Carioca |
Celebrity | Jojo Todynho |
Agent | Jadhy Fernanda |
Makeup | Anne |
Costume Design | Thiago Setra |
Account and Project Manager | Matheus Peres / CANJA |
Client Services | Guga Costa / CANJA |
Project Coordination | Ana Flor Bohrer / CANJA |
Project Coordination | Flavia Medeiros / CANJA |
Musical Direction | Eduardo Karas / CANJA |
Musical Direction | Lucas Sfair / CANJA |
Musical Direction | Filipe Resende / CANJA |
Sound Design & MIX | Bruno Vieira Brixel / CANJA |
Sound Design & MIX | Levi Mynssen de Mello / CANJA |
Approved by | Daniel Wakswaser / Ambev |
Approved by | Felipe Cerchiari / Ambev |
Approved by | Carol Caracas / Ambev |
Approved by | André Mota / Ambev |
Approved by | Cibele Nunes / Ambev |
Approved by | Ludmila Kaminskas / Ambev |
Approved by | Renata Hilário / Ambev |
Approved by | Beatriz Medeiros / Ambev |
Approved by | Kelen Lima / Ambev |
Approved by | Thaísa Bianchi Alvarenga / Ambev |
Approved by | Marcos Madeira / Ambev |
Approved by | Danilo Lopes / Ambev |
Approved by | Caroline Fonseca / Ambev |
Approved by | Carolina Saad / Ambev |
Approved by | Lucas Alves / Ambev |
This 2023 Clio Sports Silver winning entry titled 'Atura o Baile (Put Up with the Dance)' was entered for Budweiser by Africa Creative, São Paulo. The piece was submitted to the medium: Direct within the entry type: Product/Service and the category: Social Media. It consists of 2 videos and 3 images.
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